Learn-On-The-Go Pack: Make Your IPOD, MP3, Mobile or SmartPhone a Learning Tool!

Judith and JimBring Robin Sharma into your personal and professional life with this new downloadable package. Whether you are at the gym, on the road, or going for a walk, make these valuable times your personal classroom for achieving personal and professional greatness. These downloadable products can be easily downloaded onto your portable media device, making learning-on-the-go a true reality.

This downloadable bundle includes:

  • The Greatness Guide audiobook download (read by Robin)
  • robinsharmaTV - video coaching w/ Robin for a year (includes video iPod version)
  • The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari audiobook download
  • The Cure for Fear audio download AND workbook

For WorldChangingWisdom guests, Robin is offering this product at a special price of $97.

Just click on the following link: https://www.robinsharma.com/shop/Learn-On-The-Go-Pack.htm and then enter the promocode "lindapannell" at checkout.

Also, for your free bonus gift, click on the following link: http://www.robinsharma.com/leadership_free_audio_program_personal.html
