Best of Sound and Music Healing

Linda PannellI am passionate about sound and its power to heal, so I have created a “Best of Sound Healing” Package containing mp3 downloadable recordings of my conversations with Steven Halpern, Jonathan Goldman, and other sound and music healers.

Jonathan Goldman ($97 Value)
Saturday, February 18, 2010
By Linda L. Pannell
JonathanGoldman- MP3 Downloadable Audio & FREE Transcript
Jonathan Goldman, author of The 7 Secrets of Healing Sound, entertains you with his music and brilliant energy.

Aleya Dao & Doug Noll ($97 Value)
Saturday, February 18, 2010
Doug Noll and Aleya Dao MP3 Downloadable Audio and FREE Transcript
Doug Noll & Aleya Dao combine their seemingly different visions bringing harmony to the world Doug - Lawyer to Peace Maker, Aleya with Healing Sound. Includes Free Transcript.

Richard Grossman ($47 Value)

Steven Halpern ($47 Value)

Steven Halpern is the pre-eminent composer of relaxing and healing music. He pioneered the field over 35 years ago with the release of his landmark album, CHAKRA SUITE, which introduced millions to the healing potential of relaxing instrumental music. Steven is a recording artist and producer of over 65 albums, author and researcher whose work is dedicated to creating more peace on the planet by evoking a state of inner peace for each listener.

In this call, Steven will introduce you to the healing potential of music and its power to create peace. His talking points include:

* Reducing stress enhances overall health, strengthens immune system
* Not all kinds of music are created equal or are equally effective.
* You can learn how to choose the best sounds and music for your personal needs.
* The spiritual benefits of sound-based meditations...getting in the gap between thoughts via getting into the spaces between the notes........
* How to tune your own human instrument (including your chakras) with sound and color

Amrita ($47)
I. Shifting Frequencies
Gifted Sound/Vibrational Healer, Amrita, used the sound of her own voice to heal her breast cancer. Amrita explains the process of finding and shifting the frequency to access the body's innate healing wisdom.

II. Sound Healing Meditation
Amrita, uses her voice and crystal bowls to create this one-of-a-kind sound healing experience. Relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy. Please listen when you are in a safe place like your home, office, or the park, not while driving.

III. Depression, Love, Joy, Abundance.
Intention is what matters. In this teleseminar, Sound Healer, Amrita says to look inside ourselves to find all that we perceive to be missing. Create the Day. Shift in Perspective and focus shifts vibration, frequency, and reality. Don't miss the sound and vibrational healing with crystal bowl and toning at the end of the recording.

Don Campbell ($97 plus free Transcript)
Don Campbell is the best-selling author of "The Mozart Effect" and The Mozart Effect® for Children. He is the author of numerous other books including his newest works, Harmony of Health, Creating Inner Harmony, and one not yet released, Sound Spirit. Mr. Campbell is a recognized authority on the transformative power of music, listening, and The Mozart Effect®.

In this TeleSeminar, Mr. Campbell talks about music as not only a rich and rewarding aesthetic experience but an easily accessible bridge to a more creative, intelligent, healthy, and joy-filled life and his mission to help return music to its central place in the modern world as a resource for growth, development, health, and celebration.

Alice Cash ($97 plus Free Transcript)
Dr. Alice Cash shares her wisdom about the benefits of music during surgery and hospital visits in general...and so much more. Dr. Cash has devoted her professional life to the promotion of music for healing and wellness. She is a clinical musicologist who speaks to physicians, nurses, psychotherapists and medical personnel. Her keynote presentations are sought after by business executives, clergy, public service agencies, colleges and Universities. Dr. Cash is a concert pianist, a college professor, a medical researcher and hospital therapist. In 1996, Dr. Cash launched Healing Music Enterprises as a vehicle to offer her expertise to health care professionals, educators, students, organizations and people at large.

Sound Healer, Ashana, talks about the power of sound to heal, the need to bring music back to the family, and much more.

Click here to Purchase
